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My Book: How Can I Help You?

I am so excited and proud to be launching my new book entitled “How Can I Help You?”.


I had been thinking about writing it for quite a while and had no idea where to start. But as with many new ideas in life, once you decide to do something and explore; the “how on earth do you do this” starts to materialise and 18 months later this book is now a reality.

The idea came about from so many clients asking me for healthy, nutritious recipes and a better way to eat following illness. There then follows an empowering moment where the client wants to start introducing beneficial changes to their diet in order to gain optimal health and they want to try and really change their health path and lifestyle. Friends want to be helpful but often gift sweet treats to “feel better”. When actually we all know that such gifts do not promote healing.

My book is filled with easy to make super nutritious, tasty recipes that family and friends can enjoy. I have highlighted specific foods and their nutritional benefits at the bottom of each recipe. The introduction provides the foundations of a healthy way to eat, a table of vitamins and minerals along with their food sources and functions, store cupboard essentials and useful kitchen equipment.


For those of you don’t want to cook I have included suggestions for natural products such as shampoos, make up, teas and other items that you can give as a healing gift.


I really hope you are going to love this book and use it with family and friends. I am looking forward to lots of feedback.

This is not just a recipe book, it’s a recipe for life.




Stay up to date with my tips and recipes by following me on Instagram and Facebook

My Book: How Can I Help You?

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